mystery of water inside rainproof jacket

It wasn't raining tonight. So when I saw moisture on the inside of my jacket again, it took me a split second to realize…yuck, sweat. Well, not yuck because sweating is normal. So my top does wick moisture away just to be trapped by my jacket. Duh. Should I poke holes in the armpit or… Continue reading mystery of water inside rainproof jacket

39mins 3.63mi

This route had a lot of hills including 1 long downhill ending with a steep uphill. So it was good. At the start of the run, and I was on the sidewalk at the time, a truck stopped and the driver opened his window and yelled out, "Great running gear!" I saw his lights about… Continue reading 39mins 3.63mi

walking feels longer

It was so beautiful today that I forced myself to get some air. I had to take a break from knitting. Anyways, I should save that for after dark. Plus, I've spent yesterday unraveling that bobbled cardigan. This morning was spent on documenting all my knitted pieces in better light (instead of in the washroom).… Continue reading walking feels longer

31mins last night (4.3km/2.68mi), 40mins tonight, 6.16km/3.32mi

It took me 5 minutes to recall my route yesterday. I've been really bad with logging it in online and in my agenda. It's all that knitting. For the last 2 days, I've been contemplating what to do with that bobbled cardigan. Do I take it apart or turn it into a vest? I took… Continue reading 31mins last night (4.3km/2.68mi), 40mins tonight, 6.16km/3.32mi